Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Should seniors be exempt from finals?

Senior's most definitely should be exempt from finals all together. A final usually covers the information that was taught to the students from the middle of the school year until the end. Finals should be given to freshman, sophomore, and junior students. Finals are required for each class taken in high school. Senior's should not be required to take final's due to all the work they have done throughout their high school career.

Final's cover information from after you take your midterm until the end of the year. By this time seniors already know whether they are going to graduate or not. If the senior is eligible to graduate they should not have to take a final. Finals and midterms in general require students to recall too much information. Why should we have to know half a year's worth of information for one test? That is absolutely ridiculous! Our minds cannot even hold that much information at once. One test should not have that much information on it. Finals should be nonexistent, especially for seniors.

Seniors have already been in high school for three years. Senior's have worked so hard to get where they are.  They have taken so many tests and quizzes in their high school career they should not be required to take a huge final. Senior's are trying to get their life together to start the real world. They are focused on getting everything in they need to for college; they should not have to worry about studying for a final exam. Senior's should be relieved that it is the last week of high school, not stressed out because they have to take tests. Some students are so hard headed that they will not even show up the day of the test and just take a zero on a final exam! They do this because they strongly believe they should not have to take it. It is not even a question; seniors should not be given final exams.

Having final exams for Senior's only causes stress, chaos, and rebel.  It would be so much easier for everyone if Senior's were just exempt from final's all together as long as they are passing. Senior's have worked so incredibly hard to get to where they are and they should be proud of themselves, not worrying about another test as they are already worrying about getting all of their papers in for college. Senior's are ready to move onto a new chapter in their life. They should not have to be worrying about finals, they should be completely focused on the future ahead.  

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